We were seduced by the promise of epic prog-rock at a bar in a converted ware-house down the road from out house, but when we got there it turned out that prog nights start next week and we were in for hip-hop, we had already paid, so we attempted to give it a red-hot go, but the mcs weren't filling the sizable prog-gap in our lives... so we retreated to our house to listen to faust and can and neu!(kraut=prog). I had an egg thrown into my hair on our way out earlier, which at the time had seemed incredibly surreal and mildly fortuitous because minutes earlier I had been talking about the lack of product in my hair, I maintain that the egg white provided me with tremendous lift and didn't smell like anything. I may have found a replacement for hairspray, I'm not down with the way mine smells. After about half an hour of lacklustre hip-hop, my head really started to hurt. I had a shower as soon as we got home, the eggwhite had gone solid.
I would never condone the use of hallucinogenic drugs. On a completely unrelated note
I found a page of writing next to my bed when I woke up this morning:
"when you smile so much it almost becomes a circle"
"what the fuck? every band is from the 70's (today)"
"they owe me a corn-cob"
"fuck you! it's origami" (if I ever have a band this will be the name of our first album)
"it's like kelp" "yeah, it really is"
Thanks Albert Hofmann.
you get the jist.
also a page of something that was written in the dark:
"tell me something real"
scrawled over and over -perfectly legibly.
(after our first album "fuck you-origami!",and our band is credible enough I think that our follow up album "tell me something real" will be the razor's-edge decider between new fans who think we're cool and deep and the people who liked us when it was still about the music, before we became complete wankers)
I don't even want to look at my phone and piece together what kind of text-message-fun took place at my expense, if anyone got one saying "tell me something real" I hope they elect to, I could really use hearing about something real at the moment.
and you... internet person who is reading this by some chance for some reason, if you are out there, tell me something real, please...