Friday, 2 October 2009

Tasting the tears
That run down the gutter two teeth make
Tears in route
Running a groove in your cheek

Waterfalls leave smooth rocks
When the river dries up
You can determine where a river once was
Just by examining rocks

Your face never forgets a cry
Like trace remnants of acid in your spine

The erosion cries cause
Make whiskers prematurely sprout in men
And in women
Homogenize complexion
Diluting pigment
Until the whole face is washed with a slight mascara tint

Your face never forgets a cry
Like trace remnants of acid in your spine


I found my blood and lost another friend, cast off the dead weight push up the lead weight, feelings are so heavy, the burdon of being upright is ridiculous
I'll see you there
I see you there
my eyes get clearer every day
I've been looking at the picture of dorian grey (sp?)
See you at the funhouse, guys...I'll bring the biscuits.