"My girlfriend always says she wishes I would dance in the street
an' she saw that
and she's annoyed at me"
I giggle an apology and hope he's joking, I'da felt bad getting him in trouble jus' by bein' a fanciful tool. Further down a pure-white-as cat leaps a fence and bounds towards us from across the road. THIS SHIT NEVER HAPPENS, cat's aren't dogs, this thing straight up and purring wants us to pat it everywhere, rolling around on it's back all playful, no teeth or claws in it's game tho, superfriendly, tinkling the bell on it's collar. what's up, you strange (biggish)little thing? It's collar comes off and I get you to pat it's head so's it'll be still enough and I buckle it back up. Surreal shit; Some kinda prank/scam/magic, what is this? It let's me pick it up and you get me to put it in your big-sack-bag and it just sits in the top of that still purring.
Another cat, shadowy, harder to make out, meyowls from under a nearby car, ah...ahah...so that's the game...you humm that cure song about that, I click along and we leave them cats to work that stuff out, me looking back at that big, friendly, little, white thing sitting static under the street-light. You point out having probably magicked that thing out of the ether with your talk of finding boxes of kittens, so we talk about finding wads of cash and caches of cocaine...then we eye-off the shadows we pass hopefully, but turn up nothing. My friends drive past us, dropping josh home, reverse in order to heckle jovially. Not realising who or what's going on you growl at them, not realising you're not realising, I laugh, I laugh harder when I realise you don't realise...when you realise. They pull out of my place, just as we are closing in.
"HOW MUCH?" steph calls out
"Creeps" I call back as they drive away waving
We get all cosy in my room 'til you're forced to tell me at some discomfort, that you're getting claustrophobic and I feel like a creep for making you put upon. But then we giggle a bit and I pass out, twitching and sweating from my dropped-down-dose, my feet tangled up in yours, perpendicular, while you watch some funny guy being smart off of my little computer.