Saturday, 24 February 2007

The O.C. jumped the shark and indie kids stole and ate my glow-sticks

I went with some people to see a friend dj at the laundry last night, it was fun.
Mistake one- wore shoes with no grip; cigarette butts and broken glass fused themselves to my soles whilst dancing, making it slippery time.
Mistake two- Took advantage of ten-dollars-for-two jager-bombs; couldn't get to sleep for about six hours after getting home, woke up feeling very frail and shaky.
Mistake three- taped and watched The O.C, big mass of sappy, predictable, ends-tied-up-all-neat, cheese. Complete with flash-backs and flash-forwards- very disappointing.

Indie kids make me smile, it's a scene I wish I had discovered sooner. I'm right into looking as stupid as possible. If I'd discovered at a younger age that there were whole groups of people and clubs that facilitate said activity my life may have turned out differently, as it is I just feel too old and self-conscious to get into it more than occasionally, it's a lot of fun though, and the conversations are easy and entertaining...
A friends of our friend gave us a bunch of glow-sticks and went around to hand them out to people.
An indie boy came up to me...
[Imagine yelling over loud music]

Indie boy:"How's it going?"

Me: "Pretty good"

Indie boy:"What do you think of 'How's it going?' as a start?"

Me:"It's not too bad, as long as you've got a good follow up"

Indie boy:"My follow up was asking what you thought of 'How's it going?'as an opening..."

Me: "I think you need something more relevant..."

Indie boy: "what did you think of the band?"

Me: "That's still pretty vague, you should try to be more specific..."

Indie boy: "I thought the guitarist in the second band was better than the guitarist in the first band, what did you think?"

Me: "I didn't really see the bands, we were around there...(points to secluded section towards the back of the room) we mainly came to see our friend dj..."

Indie boy: "Can you give me some advice?"

Me: "That was pretty good, you should go and ask that girl over there what she thinks..." (indicates girl in black with very short colourful eighties-style ra-ra skirt....)

Indie boy: "Where?"

Me: (indicates again)"That girl, say all that stuff you just said and tell her you like her skirt"

Indie Boy:"That's a bit obvious isn't it, I mean she obviously wants people to notice her skirt..."

Me: "But she'll be pleased that you noticed, that should impress her..."

Indie boy: "But I don't want to impress her... what can I say to impress you?"

(either Indie boy read my mind, or maybe I glanced at my shirt or something as I was thinking about the badge I had made the day before...)

Indie boy: "I like your badge."

Me:" Really? Thanks, I made this, I sell them if you're interested..."

Indie boy: "I just want to impress you, but I think you just tried to sell me something... You're not impressed are you?

Me: (smiles, shakes head) "Sorry"

Indie boy: (sighs theatrically, stalks away)

I gave water to a couple of people who were biting the ends off glow-sticks in order to spray the insides around, one grabbed my arm to dance with me, I gave them some more water, another snatched the last purple glowie-thing from my wrist, I just gave a glass of water to his friend and told him to make sure that he got him to drink it.

I danced my arse off, our friend is djing at the opening of a new club this saturday, should be fun. I'm going to try not to repeat the mistakes I made this time...

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