went present shopping for a one year old
went to the aquarium
ate dinner
drank wine
caught tram
ate dinner
drank wine
drank beer
went to lame hackey-sack lesbian party
caught tram
drank wine
drank beer
danced to crazy music
swapped my phone number with a trombone player in a dress for a pack of menthol cigarettes
went to laundry
followed people around
waited for people to make up their minds
went to pony
left pony
met more people
climbed seven story carpark and then electricity tower
drank wine
drank bourbon
listened to music
hung out
got bought a hungry jacks chicken burger for breakfast
drank brown caffeine water from maccy d's
waited at flinder's street station
caught the first train to upwey
stole sign that said not to steal compost
had mushrooms
watched flowers from the bed sheets grow out of dimma's fro
vaguely woke up to phone call
talked to drew
got message to say dinner was cancelled
ate roast duck dinner
drank wine
watched sunday night abc
woke up to messages
got cooked full english breakfast
ate breakfast
got driven to dandy
gave away compost sign
bought filters
caught train home

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