Boys are arsholes. Recently it seems like they all have a habit of deciding I'm an evil bint and they don't want to talk to me. I don't know what I do that has this effect on people. I'm not even being nasty. I'm nice as all fuck. cunts.

went to a comic book themed party the other night, as Death (Neil Gaiman), took too many drugs and ended up in upwey, on the train home the next day I was hungover and head to toe in black. Looked so emo that I'm certain everybody thought I'd done it on purpose. Felt a little like I was sixteen again. Had no discman with me, it's hard to read a book about acid while you're coming down off acid, so I just stared out the window between attempts, looking emo. At home got a pretty nasty message from my "friend" that made me outright cry just after I'd decided it would be a really bad idea to go out again. I called my most awesome friend who drove over and gave me a hug, got a call to hassle me to come to the party. I felt like eleven kinds of horrid-red-wine-hari-kari, but people was what I needed, and, I fell asleep being hugged. I am so amazingly lucky to have friends who are rad.
We think alike. My friend was having a comic book themed party and now he's not and I'm pissed because I would have come as Death, or Delirium.
Even though seriously, none of these friends knew who they were. And laughed at 'Gaiman'.
I threatened them with Hari Kari.
awesome! :)
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