Sometimes things can happen just like that.
...a drop of whisky, a drop of ginger wine,
call it a Whisky-Mac and you can be mine...
A year in review;
cultivated addictions,
succumbed to prescribed dependency,
repeated mistakes,
followed old patterns,
kissed boys,
made friends,
ran from myself,
chased my tail.
I've filled so much of my time with frivolity, engineered distractions to keep busy, taken on the activities, interests and problems of others, treaded water just to keep afloat, recycled habits and taken up new and expensive vices. All so I'm not constantly tormented by my lack of knowledge in regards to the contents of my own soul. Steppenwolf. Using everything as a distraction; relationships with people. Romantic partners as a mirror mask to try to identify.
Resolution for 2008?
Transcendental meditation?
Armed to the teeth in preparation for the oncoming year;
blank book,
tobacco, filters, papers,
ginger wine,
mobile phone,
spare underwear,
head like a hole,'s just the same preparations I'd make for a night out...
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