I've started to write you this email a few times over the past five months or so but it always gets too convoluted and I give up...
This time I'm just going to put the very basic information in and not try to explain it or get all flowery and shit.
here goes;
I miss you.
I was wondering if you have my Crumb video and a few other things...
I've been thinking about taking up violin and wondering if you'd wanna sell me yours.
I miss hanging out with you.
I hope you change your mind about not wanting to see me.
Hope you are well.
take care,
No crumb, though I do have your copy of Cecil B, i'll drop it in your mail next time I'm drivin.
My violin is lacking a shoulder rest and is a lefty. Without a shoulder rest it's essentially unplayable, and if I knew where to get one then I'd wanna play it.
Monks live in monasteries for reasons, good reasons...
No ill will, just a man finally looking out for himself, no big drama, just better things to do.
Maybe our paths cross again, I don't know, I've gotta get the fuck out of this town, that I know.
Hope you're well too,
take caution,
Me too.
Love the pic.
monk soul searching missions
*sends you a violet*
I hope you find a violin
As much as he sounds like a wanker I still miss that kid...he was a good friend... 'til he liked me...
Violin's are whiny anyway. x
I think I'm going to get a harmonica...they are whiny-er...
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