Friday, 11 April 2008

In the library

I used to come to the library
in my formative years... ...what is that? All my years are formative.... the suburb near the suburb i grew up a child i was at the mercy of my mother, at her whim I'd get to borrow; some books, comics, a videos, we can't play them........ my card getting filled up with fines....
as a teenager...young adult[fiction] I'd visit the big one...with the air condioning...or toasty central heating on the cold days... sitting at the reference desks copying pictures of skeletons........or robert smith[ from rolling stone], Tom waits and his ancient eyes in his young man's face...copying out passages from neitzsche...never spelling it quite right.... I'd always return the books the their place before leaving...


Anonymous said...

eeeeeeeee! Libraries!

Such a nice prose snippet of time spent and gone. Love it.

gunner recall said...

the funny part is
I was going to go on and on but a man had the library puter booked and i had to get off...
then i went outside, sat on a sculpture and had a cigarette...I was thinking about how the sculpture gave me a familiar feeling~ so I read the title plate... it was made by my grandpa...
life's funny...

liam said...

heh. i remember copying nietzsche passages, too, in the library.

i also remember when i quit on the library... it didn't have anything good anymore. or maybe it just wasn't the right one.

Anonymous said...

that is funny. Life really is a box of tricks. Your grandpa must have been a talented man. Tell me what you think of francesca Lia Block if you chance read her! my e mail is

The only thing that interested me by way of heritage was the high possibly of being related to an infamous pirate!