Sunday 13 January 2008

In this economic climate I eat an apple for breakfast at 2.17pm so that I'm not taking my antidepressants on an empty stomach, my lunch is the sixteen strands of pasta I have left over in the cupboard with some sweet potato (which is off, as it turns out)seasoned liberally with pepper, dinner is a beer given to me by my housemate (saint)with a mouthfull of ginger wine added during the last quarter so that I can choke it down. Desert is also a beer. I spend my day restlessly changing cds and trying to get my brain to settle and my saturday night watching a western movie and whatever follows it.

He said, 'The thing about depression is,
well you just can't let it get you down,
you have to see the world for what it is:
a circus full of freaks and clowns
and you'll never please everybody,
it's a well established fact',
he said, 'I recommend a fifth of Jack
and a bottle of Prozac'

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